Sunday, May 1, 2011

Chevron Budget Scrappers May Class - Tracey

Here is the list:

1) 2 Papers for background - either subtle pattern or plain

2) 1 Issue paper - one side must be a light colour (so you can see your pencil marks you'll be making on the one side)

3) 2 Card stock for matting

4) Pencil

5) Eraser

6) Ruler

7) Prestick

8) Border punch

9) Various embellishments flowers, brads, ribbon etc.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Iris Folding Class Wed 16 Feb & Thurs 17 Feb

Dear Scrappers

Classes are:
Wednesday 16th Feb 19h30
Thursday 17th Feb 10h30 (these folk must please let Suzanne know who's attending please)

We have been asked to repeat the Iris folding class:

You will need to bring the following
- a photo with subject in the middle of the photo with not too much detail near the edges as the edges will be covered.
- Background card stock colour of your choice matching your photo (30x30)
- 2 or 3 or 4 coordinating coloured sheets of paper (30x30)
- sellotape
- paper trimmer / guillotine (there will be a guillotine available in the class new folk)
- scissors
- embellishments
- light box IF you have one

Joan/ Suzanne/ any other folk who have a light box - please bring with you to class!

Suzanne will bring her car boot sale with her, filled with paper and card stock - so there will be a variety to choose from.

Those who still owe Scrappers Traders Cards - please bring them with you... R50 annual fee as soon as you can.

If you don't want to do this specific class - bring something you would like to do with you!

God bless
Love Suzanne & Susan

'No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him'
1 Corinthians 2:9

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snack, Chat and Scrap

Dear Scrappers,

Another year has rapidly passed us by, cannot work out where it all went too! :-) :-)

Before I even start this email - I need to thank Joan for another great administrative year, keeping our tea and cake list going and never forgetting any of our birthdays. Hope we can count on you again this year???

The success of this group is due to the part that each and every single one of you makes, be it bringing tea, Devotions, praying, teaching, helping others, keeping us entertained (won't mention Sharon's name...), coming up with ideas, tidying up afterwards, washing dishes etc etc etc... Thank you all.

Our unsung hero is definitely Lazerous - he puts all the chairs and tables out, unpacks all the scrapping stuff and tidy's them all up afterwards, lets make a thank-you card for him this year and I think a small gift as a token of our thanks will also be cool... 8-)

We just want to remind you of our Annual January Breakfast to kick start our Scrapping year.

29th JANUARY 2011:
Scrap & chat 09h00 - 12h00
Lunch - 12h00

We have decided to do something different this time that instead of asking everyone to bring a plate of eats, we'll do a lunch this year. We ask that a small payment be made towards this - R20 - and we will ask Joanne Ho to whip up one of her AWESOME Chinese dishes for us to be able to sit down and have a meal together. Will probably have to ask you to bring a plate, knife and fork as well - so be prepared! (Girl-guide-like ;-) )

We were also given the brilliant idea (Thabo again) of making an 'Artist Trading Card' at our breakfast. We will change it to an Scrapping Trading Card. many of you have already agreed to join us in this. We will make these cards on that Saturday and swap them around with everyone else...

So here is the plan:
The card size will be 10cmx10cm - these must all be the same size.
The card must be scrapped / embellished / brad-ed / ribboned etc and in so doing depict who you are...
You will make the same card design over (and over & over) & over again so as to make enough copies of the exact same thing to swap out with everybody else. We will then end up with a different card from each person to put in our albums. Each scrapbook page (30x30cm) will hold 9 cards (one will be yours, 8 from the other Scrappers) then move onto page two and more depending how many folk are keen to be involved.

The aim is that if I look at a card made by one of you I must immediately be able to say - that was made by...

For example - if it has a horse in it I'm suspecting Joan Labuschagne;
Dancing - Sharon Catterick
Don't mention numbers to Tara... =-O
Table mountain - Sally Jones
Little yorki dog - Sally Beverley
Teaching - Diana Muller
Lots of animals/big time creativity - Diane Opperman- etc...
If you see a Labrador you'll know it's mine or Dalene or Lee-Ann - so more than a labrador here is needed... :-).

Also this will be aided by the fact that you ALSO HAVE TO put a small photo of yourself on the card as part of your scrapping.
ID size photo works well, but can be larger or smaller ...

On the back, or a tucked in envelope or a 'pull out' tab, you can write your name, cell number, email, birthday etc...

PLEASE FOLKS - you need to be ready and making your cards on Saturday the 29th January 2011 - not designing them... Please design your idea's before hand so you can sit down and churn out the required number and swap with everybody else. I have made a number of mine already, Joan (L) has designed hers, Diana has decided on her design - one thing we can all tell you - it takes a LONG time to do, so please come that Saturday with your design already in your head, do your main copy so you can keep referring to that one, and pre organise as much as you can and bring with you. Lets leave from the church that Saturday with a memento from each scrapper there.

So far there are 16 people on the list, they are:
1. Joan L
2. Joanne
3. Annique
4. Susan H
5. Sharon
6. Sally B
7. Diana
8. Diane
9. Suzanne
10. Tracey
11. Tara
12. Carrol
13. Lee-Ann
14. Dalene
15. Sally J
16. Hayley

We have to know how many of you whose names I haven't recorded above would like to join in so we will all have an idea of how many cards we will have to make that Saturday.

This is going to be so much fun and we all get to keep a small part of each other. Thanks so much Tracey (our beloved part time Thabo) for this great scrapping memento idea!

For catering purposes, we'll need to let Joanne know how many people she has to prepare for so I BEG YOU... please let ME know. It gets very confusing when some folk tell me and others tell Suzanne - you now have two blond bubble heads trying to get on the same page, it's very early in the year, we don't need that challenge yet... :-D :-P :-D
email: or sms me: 0823376597

We do have a few new people interested in joining us. Sally Schwabe and her mother in law (that will take our Sallys up to 3... this could be interesting), and Sarah and her daughter Jade. These folk are VERY welcome to pop into the church and meet the gang, you don't need to scrap but can come and eat if you're interested.

Sarah - I know you work Saturday's so if Jade would like to join us, we'll love to have her there. She knows Sally B, Diana (did her spray tan last year) and me.

Feb classes are:
Wednesday 2nd (19h30) &
Thursday 3rd (10h30) Back at the church.

We will have the year calender ready for you on that day. Please Wed evening lady's, join the tea & cake list, Joan will need to get that organised again, lets make her job easier or declare a diet year... :-\

I will download my S(A)TC onto facebook for those connected to me. Joan perhaps you can do likewise with yours, tag me, and I'll in turn tag all the scrappers.

Theo has started a Scrapping blog thingamajig... I will try wrap my head around that (the joys of having a technical wiz for a boss) and see if I can put the S(A)TC onto that for the folk that aren't on facebook... may need to chat to Theo before that can happen or pester Craig to see if he can shed any light should I need it (as this is me - we'll need lots of light...). :-[

A) Let me know if you'll be attending for catering purposes (R20 each)...
B) Let me have your names if you're not on the above list and want to do the S(A)TC cards...
C) Plan your 10x10 card in advance and come prepared to churn out these friendship items...

Lots of scrapping love to you all,

God bless
Suzanne and Susan

The Lord has promised good to me,
His word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be,
as long as life endures.
- Amazing Grace

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I'm Sue and I'm a scrap-booking addict!!
I'll be using this little blog to keep you all up to date with my current projects and pics of some of the get-togethers we've had.
Watch for notices of other scrapping gatherings...!